Mabel Lake Trail access from The Crystal

The Mabel Lake Trail can now be accessed from the Crystal Creek ski trail. If you decide to ski from the beginning of the Crystal with the intention of getting to Mabel, there are now tracks set that will guide you there. The entrance is located on the right hand side after the bridge climb by Connor Rd. A sign will be posted to show skiers where to go. Enjoy your ski

February 22

Groomed Pinder and loops heading out to do 2K… Update 2K groomed.. Doing the crystal as well

February 21

Warmer temperatures forecast for today so that will be a consideration for grooming. Will start with the Pinder system and Kinsmen 2K and evaluate from there. 11am UDPATE – The Pinder system, Kinsmen 2k, and Red Pine have been groomed today. Enjoy the day on the trails!

February 20

6am – Heading out soon to groom the Pinder System and Kinsmen 2K as needed. The Red Pine will follow that. 10:45am UPDATE – Pinder, 2K and Red Pine have been groomed. Heading out soon to do the Crystal system. 12:30pm UPDATE – Finished the Crystal grooming now. Some shoveling of low spots was completed on the Red Pine and Crystal during grooming. Have a great day.

Mabel Flats(Bush side)

Mabel was groomed this morning as of 7:30am up to the return. Enjoy your ski

February 19

5:30am – The Pinder system and Kinsmen 2K will be groomed first this morning. We rolled the Red Pine and Crystal yesterday and got a good base packed so I’ll be grooming the Red Pine and then Crystal systems as well. 10:30am UPDATE – The Pinder system, Kinsmen 2K, ball field and Red Pine have been groomed. Yes, the Red Pine is open! I’ll be heading out to groom the Crystal system soon. Have a great day.

February 18

5am – Grooming Pinder system and Kinsmen 2K first this morning. 12pm UPDATE – Pinder System and Kinsmen 2k have been rolled and PistenBulley groomed this morning. We are heading out to roll the Red Pine now.

Mabel Flats(Bush side)

The Mabel Flats have been groomed and tracked as of 4pm today. Ski this dog friendly trail to the return. Due to the lack of snow and mild temps this season we’ve only been able to groom the bush side of the trail and back. As we get more snow and more cold night time lows to freeze the creek better we will try to open more of the trail. Enjoy your ski

February 17

5am Grooming Pinder system and 2k Kinsmen. Also grooming ball field grid for Jackrabbits. 10:00 UPDATE: Pinder system and 2k Kinsmen groomed. Heading out shortly to roll the Red Pine. 1:00 UPDATE: Red Pine system rolled. Have a good day.