Fat Bike
Trails were groomed this evening as of 6:30pm. The conditions are still a bit soft but should set up with the overnight cold this evening making the trails solid by morning. Most of the residual snow left over from this morning was cleaned up with the second groom of the day. Enjoy your ride
Fat Bike- Big Snow
Finished grooming the trails at 8:30am. The trails have been groomed however there is still a lot of residual snow that fell back onto the trail even after 2 passes and is not very rideable as of yet. The snow continues to fall and is predicted to last until late this evening. More snow clearing will be required to get the trails in shape. Thank you for your patience
Fat Bike
Trails were groomed again as of 9am. Approx 5 cm more of snow overnight is adding to the base. This new snow accumulation has been covering up more rocks and logs that were previously noticeable making the trails smoother to ride however they are still a bit soft and require that the rider adjust tire pressure according to the conditions so as not to create ruts or damage the trail. Recommended 3-4psi. More snow is in the forecast. Have a good one
Fat Bike
Late in the day groom due to the amount of newly fallen snow. Trails are soft but will set up nicely for the morning. If riding this evening consider keeping the PSI between 2-3 and if sinking please get off the trail until it has more time to firm up. Enjoy
Fat Bike
Trails were groomed as of 11:30am today. The surface is hard packed and looking very good. 5 psi is recommended. Enjoy the sunshine and get out on that bike
Fat Bike
Trails groomed as of 9:30am. A fresh snowfall freshened up the trails to give us a bit more depth. Surface seems solid overall. Keep in mind to ride in the morning or the evening when it’s more likely to be below zero as the daytime highs for the next couple of days look to be in the +’s. 4 psi is the recommended tire pressure. Have fun
Fat Bike- Open
With the trails having very little snow, warm temps and mild spells have not been our friend in terms of trail preservation. Careful consideration between preserving what we have and riders being able to have fun is our top priority. With that said, the trails will be open as of today. We ask that riders use good judgement and consider riding either early morning or evening when temperatures are below zero. We ask that you adjust tire pressure accordingly and that if your tire starts to sink and create ruts, that you consider riding at a different time when things have cooled down. This has been a very challenging season for us, in many places across the province as well as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and appreciate your patience and understanding. Here’s to hoping we get more snow soon.
Fat Bike-Trails Closed
Due to the mild temperatures the fat bike trails will be temporarily closed until the colder weather returns. Use of the trails in these conditions may damage the surface & create ruts that can’t be fixed until we get another significant snowfall. Please respect the closure
Fat Bike
Trails were groomed this morning as of 8:30am with a couple of centimeters of new snow over night. The trails are firm but still have some exposed logs and rocks to watch out for while riding. 4 psi is the recommended pressure for today. Enjoy your ride