November 30, 2019

Our groomers and a great bunch of volunteers will be working on the trails systems to remove debris today and tomorrow. The groomers were able to set track on the Pinder 4k and the Sugar Bush Ext, so they are good to ski for both classic and skate. The Kinsmen 2k is also ready for both classic and skate. Hats off to all the hard workers helping out with the trails this weekend.

November 29, 2019

Good Morning!! The groomers were able to roll pack the Pinder 4k but not tracks. The Kinsmen 2k was rolled, packed and tracked. They are busy out there today still cleaning up after the Wednesday storm. Lots of heavy snow filled hanging branches as well as debris on the trails. Please ski with caution.

Update November 28, 2019

The Pinder 4km has been rolled but no track yet. The Kinsmen 2k has been rolled and tracked. Please use the trails with caution as there is heavy snow on the trees and overhanging branches.

November 28, 2019

The groomers are out on the trails trying to get things underway. With the weight of the snow hanging on the trees, it makes for some unpassable trails. Snow is not cooperating with the equipment. We suggest it may take a day or 2 to get things caught up. Rest assured we are working diligently to get you out on the trails as soon as we possibly can.

November 27, 2019

Good Snowy Morning!! Our groomers are waiting patiently to let the storm come in. Accumulation is what’s needed at this time. Tomorrow they will begin the rolling and packing of the ski trails once again.

November 22, 2019

Trails have hardened up over night but not quiet enough snow to freshen things up without wrecking what is there.

November 21, 2019

Due to the current weather we are experiencing, we have closed the trails to preserve what is there base wise and for everyone’s safety. The office will remain open for pass sales.

November 18, 2019

The whole Pinder system is open and has good tracks. We also cleaned up the skate lanes. The Crystal and the Red Pine systems remain closed until there is more snow fall. Enjoy!

November 15, 2019

We have begun roll packing on the trails today. We have just rolled the Pinder and all of the extensions but it very soft. The 2km Kinsmen trail and terrain park was also rolled and track set and ready to ski!!