January 9

5:30 Grooming skate lanes Pinder system and 2k Kinsmen. 8:30 UPDATE: Skate lanes renovated . Tracks in good shape. Have a good day.

January 8

5am. Renovating skate lanes today. Start with Pinder system followed by 2k , Red Pine , Crystal. 11:00 UPDATE: Skate lanes renovated . Tracks in good shape. Have a good day on the trails.

January 7

5:45am – Grooming Kinsmen 2k and Pinder this morning.

January 6

6:00am – Heading out to the Pinder soon. Will follow with 2k, Red Pine and Crystal.

January 5

5:30am – Heading out to groom the Pinder system soon, followed by Kinsmen 2k, Red Pine and Crystal system.

January 4

With a little heavy wet snow this morning heading out to groom Pinder and 2k Pinder system and the 2K all groomed heading out to do the Red Pine Red Pine still having soft trails conditions on the hills lead me to NOT groom the coldwater ski with caution heading out to groom crystal system but will not be doing the hiawatha loop

January 3

5 :00 am Heading out to renovate skate lanes on Pinder system and 2k Kinsmen. 8:00 UPDATE: Can am broke down on Sugar bush trail. The machine is caution taped off. We are heading in now for repairs. 11:00 UPDATE: Machine is off the trail and Sugar Bush has been groomed. 2k Kinsmen freshly groomed. Just heading to groom ball field. Have a good day.

January 2

5:15 am Heading out shortly to groom skate lanes on Pinder system and 2k Kinsmen. +2c this morning. Too warm to run Pisten Bully groomer on trails. 9:00 UPDATE: Pinder and 2k Kinsmen skate lanes groomed. Due to warm temperatures that will be all the grooming for today. Have a great day.

January 1

5:00 am. Heading out shortly to groom 2k Kinsmen ,5k Crystal and Pinder system . 8:30 UPDATE: 5K Crystal groomed. Pinder system skate lanes renovated. Trails are icy and fast. Use caution! Happy New Year.