07:00 Heading out to groom the Crystal 09:30 back from grooming – gave Anymal, Wedding Crasher, Sidetrack, Trans Canada Trail, Gun Smoke, Flow Trail, Alter two passesReminder when hike-a-biking stay to the right, especially up Final Boss.4 psi – air down when needed Ride according to weather and trail conditions (best time to ride will be morning and evenings)Cheers

Fat Bike- Jan 7

Trails were groomed at 10:30pm and should set up nicely by the morning. Enjoy your ride


05:30 – heading out for a lap, filling in tire ruts and postholes Completed grooming by 07:30 – trails are a bit soft in spots but rideable – (will most likely be soft this afternoon, early morning or evening temps will make for great riding conditions) When riding the ski trails, please stay to the left hand side – do not ride the middle When hike-a-biking (walking with bike) please stay to the right of the fat bike trail (easier to fix the boot prints) Recommended tire pressure – 4 PSI (air down if needed) Cheers


Groomers were out @ 04:00 – unable to complete a full lap due to issues with the drag – stopped at Root N’ Groomers were back out at 11:30 am and completed a full lap of the trail system at 14:00 Trails are soft but rideable (same with the ski trails) – Recommended tire pressure 4 PSI – air down when trails are soft Cheers


Heading out to groom the Crystal bike system Trails are rideable Did one pass of the fat trails – firm center – edges are little soft – recommended tire pressure: 4psi. Ride according to trail conditions, take air out of tires if sinking more then 1” Enjoy

Fat Bike- Jan 3

Out again today and trails are shaping up nicely. Recommended tire pressure is 4psi . Expecting it to warm up later on in the day which may affect conditions. Use good judgement and get off the trail if tire sinks. Enjoy

02 JAN 23 – FAT BIKE –

Trails are still soft, please stay off until further notice, trails are closed. The fat bike trails received three grooms today and the trails are starting to firm up. A big thank you goes out to everyone who took the time to snowshoe and pack the trails, your efforts have been a big help. Thank you to the SCC’s groomers for lending a hand over the past few days. as well.

Fat Bike December 29, 2022

Trails will not be groomed today due to the heavy snow conditions and mild temperatures. Our groomers are keeping an eye on the forecast as we experience mild temperatures which make grooming difficult. Please if you have some spare time to get out and snowshoe the Fat Bike trails…please do so! We appreciate your patience as we work through getting the trails ready to ride. The last time the trails had a full groom was December 27th.

Fat Bike – December 21, 2022

All trails were groomed yesterday…enjoy!!
